Practice listening and speaking English for daily communication – Christmas Eve

Improve your ability to speak English

Christmas Eve

Ben and Melissa are getting ready for Christmas. 

Ben and Melissa's house has lots of lights on the roof. 

The lights are many colours. 

Inside they listen to Christmas music. 

Ben and Melissa drink eggnog. 

Eggnog tastes good. 

Ben and Melissa hang stockings on the fireplace. 

They string popcorn. 

Ben and Melissa put the popcorn string on the Christmas tree. 

They put Christmas lights on the tree. 

They put tinsel on the tree. 

Ben and Melissa put ornaments on the tree. 

They put a star on top of the tree. 

They get ready for Santa Claus. 

They leave milk and cookies for Santa. 

Ben opens one present. 

Melissa opens one present. 

They go to sleep. 

Ben and Melissa wake up early. 

They run down stairs. 

There are a lot of presents under our tree. 

They wake up their Mom and Dad. 

Ben and Melissa open their presents. 

They love our presents. 

Everyone cleans up the wrapping paper. 

It is time for breakfast.